When most people think about correcting orthodontic problems, they assume that traditional braces are their only option. Invisalign provides another solution for many orthodontic concerns. Steel City Orthodontics knows that having the information you need helps you to make the best decision you can. These frequently asked questions will help you choose the right orthodontic solution for you.


Question #1: Why opt for Invisalign instead of traditional braces?

Invisalign offers several key advantages that traditional braces don’t. This includes:

  • Discretion: Most of the time, no one can tell you’re wearing your aligners, whereas traditional braces are always visible.
  • Cost: Invisalign is frequently cheaper than traditional braces.
  • Oral hygiene: The appliances come out, so you can brush and floss your teeth normally. 

Question #2: Does Invisalign limit what I can eat?

When you have traditional braces, the foods you eat can be severely limited. You can’t eat anything too hard or too sticky–and that makes many teens’ favorite foods off limits! Invisalign, on the other hand, can be removed so you can eat, which means that there are no dietary restrictions when you’re wearing these appliances. 

Question #3: What problems can actually be corrected with Invisalign?

Invisalign can correct many of the same problems that are usually corrected with braces: overcrowding, bite issues like an overbite, underbite, or crossbite; extra gaps between your teeth; and other common issues. 

Question #4: Can you get the same results with Invisalign that you can get with traditional braces?

Yes! Invisalign offers almost identical results to the ones you would get if you opted for traditional braces. There is no noticeable difference between the two procedures once they’re completed. 

Question #5: How often do the clear aligners have to be worn?

Your aligners should be worn 24/7 except when you’re eating and drinking. This constant wear will help correct the problems with your teeth more quickly and effectively.

Question #6: How often do I have to get new trays?

Often, trays are changed as often as every 2 weeks. It’s important that you work regularly with your provider to ensure that you’re changing your trays at the right pace for your specific treatment. 

Question #7: Is Invisalign a new type of orthodontic treatment plan? Why hasn’t it been available longer?

Invisalign is a comparatively new treatment plan for one simple reason: prior to recent changes in technology, it wasn’t possible to offer the kinds of mass customization options that are now available to patients. Patients using Invisalign need to have their treatment mapped ahead of time, with custom trays made for every step of the process. The use of orthodontic trays, however, is not new; this type of solution has been used in many orthodontic practices for a long time. 

Question #8: Who can use Invisalign?

Invisalign is an appropriate orthodontic solution for both adults and teenagers. It does, however, require more responsibility than traditional orthodontic options, since it’s necessary for the patient to keep the trays in their mouth throughout the day and remember to put them back in after eating. Talk with our experts to decide if this is the right treatment option for you. If you have a teenager who is considering invisalign, make sure that they are aware of the responsibility necessary to choose this method of treatment. 

Invisalign is a great option for many patients who are eager to avoid the discomfort and the appearance of braces, but who need orthodontic treatment in order to have the brightest, best smile possible. It’s a great solution for many adults who don’t want the stigma of braces at an older age or teens who are responsible enough to remember to wear their trays as directed. If you’re thinking about invisalign, contact Steel City Orthodontics for more information today.